Our dedicated staff members are here to provide support, compassion, and information to help you through your journey of grief and the celebration of your loved one’s life.

R. Asher Wilson, Jr., born in Flemington NJ, a life long Pennington resident. I was a graduate of Hopewell Valley Central High School, class of 1982. I attended Rider University and Mercer County Community College graduating with a degree in Mortuary Science in 1986.I am a licensed funeral director in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. I attended Insurance School obtaining a license in Life and Health Insurance. This enables us to use an Insurance Trust for Pre-Paying funerals.
I am a member of the Hopewell Valley Lions Club, Trenton-Cyrus Masonic Lodge in Pennington, the Scottish Rite Valley of Central Jersey, the Pennington Presbyterian Church- serving as a deacon, the Vigilant Association, the Mercer County Funeral Directors Association, the New Jersey State Funeral Directors and National Funeral Directors Association, and the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
NJ Lic. No. 3823

Robert A. Wilson, Sr., born in Trenton NJ, was a graduate of Flemington High School, class of 1955. I was a graduate of McAllister School of Embalming in NY City, becoming a New Jersey licensed funeral director in 1957.
I am a member and past president of the Hopewell Valley Lions Club receiving the Melvin Jones Fellow award, Past Master of Trenton-Cyrus Masonic Lodge in Pennington, past Patron for Ashlar Chapter O.E.S., a 33degree mason with the Scottish Rite Valley of Central Jersey-director of music, Grand Chaplin for the 15th district in NJ from 2002-2003; the Shrine and Crescent Temple, past president of the Pennington First Aid Squad, the Pennington Fire Company, past president of the Hopewell Valley Kiwanis Club, the Vigilant Association, member of the First Presbyterian Church of Ewing-serving as a deacon and trustee, the Mercer County Funeral Directors Association, New Jersey State Funeral Directors Association, and the National Funeral Directors Association, member of the Trenton Elks #105, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association with a Commercial pilots license, and the Hopewell Valley Country Club.
NJ Lic. No. 2520